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Date: Wednesday, November 20th
Time: 11:15am - 12:15pm
Venue: Plaza Meeting Room P5

An Atypical Career Path: Film to Games to AR to R&D – How Engineering & Art Enhance Each Other

Speaker(s): Maggie Oh, Google
Tony Baylis, United States of America

Description: In "An Atypical Career Path: Film to Games to AR to R&D," Maggie Oh will cover how her career in various art and engineering roles have allowed her to be fulfilled in games, film VFX, AR, and R&D. She'll go over how she forged her own career track; how to build a supportive network along the way; and how being aware of the glass cliff is the first step to avoiding it in the first place.

Bio of Speaker: Maggie Oh is currently at Google Stadia R&D as the Staff Lead Technical Artist. Her experience ranges from art, engineering, and leadership in film, games, and AR. She has worked on award-winning and innovative projects such as The Mandalorian, LiveCGX at London Fashion Week 2018, Microsoft's HoloLens, Halo 4, Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and Star Wars: Episode III. She has written articles or spoken at outlets such as 3D Artist Magazine, BBC, IAMAG, and Grace Hopper. A sample of her volunteer positions include Visual Effects Society Bay Area Board member, Texas A&M Visualization Industry Partner, and MIT Educational Counselor. She holds a Bachelors from MIT in EECS, and is currently a Masters degree candidate at Harvard.