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Intro to Shotgun: Streamlining Workkflows for the World's Best Creative Studios

Description: Vision Series A day of technical deep dives into the future of technology at Autodesk, hosted by our product teams and featuring studios that are helping shape the products and workflows of tomorrow.

Speaker(s): Mason Jarrett, Autodesk

Bifrost: Modular FX Framework

Description: Vision Series A day of technical deep dives into the future of technology at Autodesk, hosted by our product teams and featuring studios that are helping shape the products and workflows of tomorrow.

Speaker(s): Todd Akita, The Mill

Thriving with Autodesk: Setting Creative Teams Up for Success

Description: Vision Series A day of technical deep dives into the future of technology at Autodesk, hosted by our product teams and featuring studios that are helping shape the products and workflows of tomorrow.

Speaker(s): Mason Jarrett, Autodesk
Jon Jones, Autodesk
David Zwierzchaczewski, Autodesk

UTS Animal Logic Academy: A Unique Approach to Bridging the Gap Between Education and Industry

Description: Vision Series A day of technical deep dives into the future of technology at Autodesk, hosted by our product teams and featuring studios that are helping shape the products and workflows of tomorrow.

Speaker(s): Chris Ebeling, UTS Animal Logic Academy
Matt Estela, UTS Animal Logic Academy

Making Elephants and Superheroes - Teams and Technology at Rising Sun Pictures

Description: Vision Series A day of technical deep dives into the future of technology at Autodesk, hosted by our product teams and featuring studios that are helping shape the products and workflows of tomorrow.

Speaker(s): Ian Cope, Rising Sun Pictures

Shotgun in Games: Collaboration for Creative Teams

Description: Vision Series A day of technical deep dives into the future of technology at Autodesk, hosted by our product teams and featuring studios that are helping shape the products and workflows of tomorrow.

Speaker(s): - -, Autodesk