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Date: Wednesday, November 20th
Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm
Venue: Mezzanine Meeting Room M3

The Emergence of the Demoscene: Ziggy

Demoscener(s): Ricardo Cabello, Mr Doob, Australia
Xavier Ho, Data61, Australia
Paul Kanyuk, Pixar Animation Studios, United States of America
Matthias Kramm, Google, United States of America
Pol Jeremias Vila, Pixar Animation Studios, United States of America
John Doolan, Virtual Immersive, United States of America
Joe Cincotta, Thinking.Studio
Michael Sänger, Unbound Technologies
Chris Millray, cTrix
Greg Newton, Avisa, Australia
Dan Wills, '-, Australia

Description: How the demoscene has progressed into the web browser What are the tricks, algorithms and optical illusions that make 8-bit (C64) demos "tick"? This talk covers, among others, fake zooming / texture-mapping, 2D zoetropes & cyclers, XOR filling and Bresenham decision trees, and how to dissect a more complicated effect into the individual building blocks. What is the demoscene? - From cracks to glitches to the pushing the GPU - how a subculture became the purest convergence of art and science. Limitations Push Creativity - Thinking and Working the Demoscene Way The evolution of chiptune, video hardware tricks and a world where limitation gives birth to visual aesthetic.

Demoscene Videos


