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Date: Tuesday, November 19th
Time: 2:15pm - 6:00pm
Venue: Mezzanine Meeting Room M2

Moderator: Mike Bailey, Oregon State University, United States of America
Mike Bailey is a professor in Computer Science at Oregon State University. His area of interest is, really, all-things-computer-graphics, but especially high-performance graphics, stereographics, scientific visualization, and GPU computing. He has extensive experience teaching computer graphics topics in his college classes (over 7,000 students so far) and in professional short courses (92, 47 of them at SIGGRAPH conferences). Mike has won 11 university teaching awards, as well as the 2015 SIGGRAPH Outstanding Service Award.

Lecturer(s): Mike Bailey, Oregon State University, United States of America
Mike Bailey is a professor in Computer Science at Oregon State University. His area of interest is, really, all-things-computer-graphics, but especially high-performance graphics, stereographics, scientific visualization, and GPU computing. He has extensive experience teaching computer graphics topics in his college classes (over 7,000 students so far) and in professional short courses (92, 47 of them at SIGGRAPH conferences). Mike has won 11 university teaching awards, as well as the 2015 SIGGRAPH Outstanding Service Award.

Description: Vulkan represents a new generation of graphics and compute APIs that provide high-efficiency, cross-platform access to modern GPU hardware in a wide range of devices including workstations, game consoles, and mobile platforms. [Khronos2019] As such, this API is of interest to everyone who writes interactive graphics programs and wants to eke out the fastest performance possible. Part of Vulkan’s efficiency comes from moving elements of the driver into the application. While this improves performance, it has the side effect of making Vulkan more complicated and, thus, more difficult to learn. This SIGGRAPH Asia course will use materials designed for, and refined with, a university Vulkan course. Besides notes, the SIGGRAPH Asia distribution will include working, well-documented code and complete build solutions.
