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Date: Monday, November 18th
Time: 10:45am - 12:00pm
Venue: Great Hall 1&2


Abstract: In this presentation MPC Film VFX Supervisor Elliot Newman will reveal how a team of 1200 VFX artists worked with Director Jon Favreau to bring The Lion King to a new generation. As the sole provider of visual effects and animation, the MPC team was led by: MPC VFX supervisors Adam Valdez and Elliot Newman, whom worked closely with VFX Supervisor Rob Legato and Animation Supervisor Andy Jones, crafting every photo-real frame of the movie.

Speaker(s) Bio: Elliot Newman, MPC Film, United Kingdom
Elliot Newman has more than 15 years experience working on the VFX for some of the industry’s biggest movies, from Harry Potter to The Lion King. Prior to The Lion King, Elliot was CG Supervisor on The Jungle Book, overseeing the 3D team’s work on 54 species of animals and stunning CG environments, resulting in an Oscar, BAFTA, VES, Annie and HPA Award. Previously Elliot held the position of Global Head of CG, as well as Head of Assets, supervising MPC’s teams globally. He joined MPC in 2004 as a Character Modeler on Kingdom of Heaven, Poseidon, and 10,000BC.
