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Date: Sunday, November 17th
Time: 12:55pm - 1:00pm
Venue: Plaza Meeting Room P1

Opening of Business & Innovation Symposium

Speaker(s): Michael Hsin-Yao Liang, Silkroad Visual Technologies Co., Ltd, Taiwan

With over 20 years in the computer graphics and computer vision, cloud computing and online learning industry, Mr. Liang is an senior entrepreneur and investor. He was born in Taiwan, but is currently based in Shenzhen, China. He has an Executive MBA degree from China Europe International Business School (CEIBS). Michael joined Silkroad Digital Vision Group (SHE:300556) at 2013, which is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as one of its partners. He oversees RAYVISION Inc., a subsidiary of Silkroad, as president of the company, headquartered in Shenzhen, China. The company is a global pioneering visual cloud computing brand that provides elastic CPU as well as GPU supercomputing power for CG visual effects and animation productions for film, TV, VR, theme park, online video and various industries. RAYVISION Inc, supports over 40,000 users from over 40 countries around the globe. Michael builds partner networks with top-tier players in the field: Beijing Film Academy, Alibaba Group, Tien-He II super-computing center, Foxconn Group, and Intel Capital funded online CG communityCgtrader.comto boost their global business development. A passionate technology evangelist, Mr. Liang has presented at several leading conferences, where he shares his opinion and insight with industry leaders and talents. Through business partnerships, he aims to build a common vision and shared values among giant enterprises, academic institutions, small and medium companies to build valuable eco-systems. On a personal level, he is a maker, a fan of ancient Greek and Roman history, visual arts, musical, jazz and travel.
