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Date: Wednesday, November 20th
Time: 11:00am - 12:45pm
Venue: Mezzanine Meeting Room M5&M6

Presenter(s): John McGhee, UNSW 3D Visualisation Aesthetics Lab, Australia

Description: This Birds of a Feather is for attendees interested in novel and creative approaches to 3D biomedical animation and molecular graphics. Australia is fast becoming a hub for world leading biomedical 3D computer animation and molecular graphics research and practice. The community ranges from large medical research institutes and university labs through to individual computer animation freelancers. In this Birds of a Feather a group of 3D biomedical animators, researchers, scientists and imaging specialists will be gathering to share approaches and discuss current works. Topics will include the CG technical challenges of current data-driven 3D biomedical visualisation pipelines and constructing authentic visual narratives. Also discussed will be different approaches and ideas to user interaction design when developing molecular real-time and Virtual Reality (VR) outputs. Another area for discussion will also be how computer gaming design approaches can contribute to molecular graphics. Professionals attending and sharing ideas at this Birds of a Feather will come from the following organizations: - Walter + Eliza Institute of Medical research, Melbourne - Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne - 3D Visualisation Aesthetics Lab, UNSW Art & Design, Sydney - Monash University, Melbourne - Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence – Convergent Bio-Nano Science and Technology - Queensland University of Technology - Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney