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Date: Sunday, November 17th
Time: 4:15pm - 6:00pm
Venue: Plaza Meeting Room P3
Session Chair: Yoshinori Dobashi, Hokkaido University, Prometech CG Research, Japan

Accelerated Volume Rendering with Chebyshev Distance Maps

Author(s)/Presenter(s): Lachlan Deakin, Australian National University, Australia
Mark Knackstedt, Australian National University, Australia

Abstract: The Chebyshev distance to the nearest occupied region of a volume is precomputed and used to efficiently skip empty space while volume rendering. We show improved performance over the state-of-the-art.

Faster RPNN: Rendering Clouds with Latent Space Light Probes

Author(s)/Presenter(s): Mikhail Panin, ITMO University, Playneta Ltd., Russia
Sergey Nikolenko, Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg, Neuromation, Russia

Abstract: Faster RPNN is a new deep learning model for anisotropic clouds rendering, which outcompetes the current state of the art in performance by 2-3 times with no loss of quality.

Flexible Ray Traversal with an Extended Programming Model

Author(s)/Presenter(s): Won-Jong Lee, Intel Corporation, United States of America
Gabor Liktor, Intel Corporation, United States of America
Karthik Vaidyanathan, Intel Corporation, United States of America

Abstract: We propose an extended programming model for ray tracing which includes an additional programmable stage called the Traversal Shader that enables various use-cases such as multi-level instancing and stochastic LOD.

Outdoor Sound Propagation in Inhomogeneous Atmosphere via Precomputation

Author(s)/Presenter(s): Jin Liu, Tianjin University, China
Shiguang Liu, Tianjin University, China

Abstract: This paper presents a novel wave-based precomputation method that enables accurate and fast simulation of sound propagation in inhomogeneous atmosphere.